Document Management

The Next Generation Automated Data Entry Software
Traditional data entry automation software focuses on the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as the centrepiece of data extraction. This frequently necessitates professionals manually creating layout templates and rules that outline the data extraction processes for each single document design that is processed.EIL Global’s Document Management Suite provides technology, powered by artificial intelligence, that automatically captures data from documents, whether they are scanned, photographed or digital. The technology can be embedded into virtually any software application via our easy-to-use API.

EIL Global’s Document Management Suite

Using machine learning and Big Data, EIL Global’s Document Management Suite doesn’t require manual template setup and can scale to a limitless count of document designs – perfect for document types like invoices, receipts, contracts and more.

Want to know more about EIL Globasl’s Document Management Solution?


Simple Set-up – No templates or long manual setup are required. Just tell the engine what data you want and our Document Management Suite will capture it. Get our OCR solutionup and running in minutes.

Capture from a Variety of Document Types – Whether it’s image files (.PNG, .TIF, .JPEG), scanned documents, or digital files (PDF, email, CSV, XLS, ODT), our optical character recognition software can extract text and images and read the image.

Super Quick Data Scanning and Capture – Become paperless overnight! A super quick data scanning and capture, you can see the captured data in your software in seconds.

Highly Competitive Pricing – Affordable per document pricing provides a fast ROI and opportunities.

Geo-distributed System – Our suite has been built as a distributed system with regional data centres positioned around the world.

API, Mobile APP and Brandable – If integrating Xtracta within your own software, quickly deploy functionality with our API, development resources, and one-on-one developer support.

Integrate into any Software – Our Document Management Suite can be integrated into virtually any application software.

Scalable – Using the API, we can scale from one to thousands of deployments or tenants of your software.

How It Works

Why Choose EIL Global?

Save time

Simple setup with no template configuration. Remove manual data entry and, with a copy of the original document also sent to your software, become paperless – no more chasing paper documents around the office or filing and retrieving paper.

Improve Accuracy

No error-prone manual data entry, simply let our tool capture the data you want and deliver it how you want it in seconds. Plus data matching tools provide extra validation. Improve visibility and control over your process – whether it accounts payable, expense management, proof of purchase or more.

Work Smarter

Streamline processes, spend time on what is important and make decisions quicker with real time reporting and tracking. Mine existing documents and bring Big Data to life in your organization.


Powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, constantly learns with every document processed – enabling the automated data extraction from any number of document designs in dozens of languages. So unlike traditional optical character recognition (OCR) engines, no templates are required – just set and forget.



Save Money

Improve productivity and job satisfaction with staff focusing on higher value work. Remove the costs of data entry or complex and expensive electronic data interchange (EDI) and combine with cost-effective per document pricing for a super quick ROI.



Easy to use API

Quickly deploy automated data capture into your own software with our easy to use API, image capture SDK, mobile app and one-on-one developer support. Our API supports both desktop and cloud products and can integrate with virtually any software.